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We make your child a safe swimmer

What do we mean by "safe swimmer" ?

A safe swimmer is:

  • is just as well under water as it is over water
  • controls several jumps into deep water
  • is fine if it swallows water or when water splashes in his eyes
  • can swim on his back as good as on his belly
  • can swim 200 m without help

Why do the children first learn how to swim back with us?

Backstroke is recommended by the German Swimming Federation as an initial swim due to many advantages:

  • The leg movement of the backstroke is easy to learn as it is very similar to walking on land.
  • Kids can easily float in the water while laying on their back
  • Breathing is possible at any time.
  • Due to the kicking moves on their back the kids are constantly moving their bodies
  • when the kids learn kicking with their legs on their back the freestyle moves will be very easy to develop

The disadvantages of starting with the breast style:

Learning the right breaststroke technique is very challenging in terms of coordination. The arms and legs must be moving alternately and coordinated with the correct breathing technique. Children who are not safe yet in the water, are not able to learn this challenging swimming technique correctly. If children start learning the breaststroke in the very beginning, they will move in an unnatural swimming position in the water. The head is stretched far up, the legs held under the body, the children take a sitting position instead of a lying position. If the technique is wrong, the cervical and lumbar spine is heavily overloaded.

The following 5 skills are essentially for your child

  • float on the water
  • glide through the water
  • diving
  • jumping into the water
  • submergion

Why is swimming on the long run important for your child?

Swimming is one of the healthiest sports. The entire musculature is stressed, the joints are protected, the blood circulation and the entire cardiovascular system is stimulated. Obesity and adiposity in children can be controlled and prevented. In addition to the positive effect on endurance, swimming also trains the coordinative abilities of your child.

The movements of the arms and legs are carried out coupled and coordinated. The sense of balance and body control are trained by the changing positions that are taken and held in the water. In addition to that the sense of orientation under water is getting improved.

A child who is used to the water, who knows the basic skills (submergion, breathing, floating, gliding and jumping) and who has learned to move in various and secure ways in the water will be more likely to really enjoy swimming and continue in to later life.

5. Wh yare we unique

Ours first priority lies on teh safety of the children. We are very serious in teaching your child how to become a safe swimmer. Fun and a good atmosphere in the swimming pool should not be missing. We tirelessly motivate your child and support it to learn new things quickly and to successfully complete the tasks. Your child will gain self-confidence and will quickly move safely in the water. The lessons are varied and versatile, so that your child learns a lot and can grow with the mastered tasks.


The way to become a safe swimmer

Crocodile beginners starting at age of 3 years

The crocodile swimming school concentrate on a professional swimming education. The initial swimming techniques are the backstroke and freestyle.

Basically, we classify every new crocodile child in our Crocodile I course, so that the responsiblel coaches can determine the current level of performance and, if necessary, divide your child into another group.

How long a child needs to reach the next level depends on the previous experience, the ability to learn and the regular participation in the course. It is important for you to know that the crocodile swimming school does not use swimming aids.

The crocodile courses build on each other and are divided into the following stages:

  • Your child becomes familiar with the element of water. It learns in methodical series and with the help of his trainer, the breathing, gliding, hovering, diving and jumping.

  • Now your child learns to make a seastar (floating) on his back.

  • Your child is getting better in backswimming. He can dive his face underwater and learn to open his eyes under water. Your child learns to jump into deep water with the help of his trainer.

  • Now your child can dive at least 1.25 m. Your child can jump alone into the water and swim at least 50 m on his back without help. Congratulations it's time for the seahorse (Seepferdchen)! Since we attach great importance to the safety of children, your child will receive his seahorses badge only after it has met the double requirements.

  • To learn the freestyle technique, your child now needs swimming goggles and swim fins. The breathing while crawling is refined and the crawl-arm stroke is improved. There are always longer distances covered in water and your child moves towards the bronze badges.